Meet The Team are three self professed coffee lovers who have come together to produce informative, high quality content about coffee brewing techniques and other coffee-related information.

Our goal is to provide up-to-date articles and guides that have been well researched and written. Our mission is to motivate anyone who reads our blog to go on and experiment with the wonderful coffee making methods available to make that perfect cup of coffee.

Happy Brewing everyone! From Robbie, Carla and Taylor at


Robbie – Coffee Writer and Researcher

As a native New Yorker, I am used to the hustle and bustle of a big city, running around on assignments, interspersed with frequent visits to busy coffee shops. I have always associated coffee with a busy city like New York, where there are so many great coffee shops to grab a double espresso and get on the move again.

I love working in the coffee industry, where my job as a coffee marketing executive and also as a writer and researcher for means that I always get my fill of caffeine, one way or another!

Favourite brewing method:

Undoubtedly espresso, as I know it will always keep me fuelled up until the end of the day.

Carla – Coffee Writer and Researcher

As a child growing up in a family of Italian heritage, here in the U.S. some of my earliest memories were the smell of coffee beans that my father grinded to prepare his morning coffee. I always associate this wonderful coffee aroma with a happy childhood and this association with coffee has stayed with me into my adult life.

As a coffee writer and researcher, with a long association with coffee, I am passionate about what I do; and the articles and guides we research and write, here at, hopefully give you a sense of that passion.

Favourite brewing method:

It has to be coffee prepared with a Moka Pot. Growing up in an Italian family we always have one on the stove at home and old habits die hard!

Taylor – Barista and Product Tester

My name is Taylor and I am a professional Barista with over ten years of experience, now based in Southern California, the perfect location to enjoy a wonderful lifestyle, centered around my love of coffee!

When I am not working in the coffee shop, I am always trying and testing out new coffee brewing techniques for Robbie and Carla, my fellow team members here at, which really provides hands on experience and validation for all our research and writing. My real passion however is promoting sustainability and eco-friendliness in the coffee industry, whenever I can.

Favourite brewing method:

For sure, it is the Hario V60 as not only can I create great coffee, but it is also beautiful looking coffee making equipment.